Kuraby Early Learning Centre Playground
Healthy Meals - Kuraby Early Learning Centre

Our Nutrition & Healthy Meals

Here at Kuraby Early Learning Centre, as part of our nutrition, we supply the children with morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea that is cooked on the premises daily by our cook. In conjunction with the children’s likes, as well as educators and family input, the centre cook has created a multicultural five-week rotating menu that is designed to exceed the national guidelines for children whilst in our care.

The Australian Dietary Guidelines, Infant Feeding Guidelines, Get Up and Grow: Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Early Childhood and the Healthy Eating Pyramid are used as guides throughout our menus to ensure that our nutrition here at the centre is up to date with new developments in regard to children’s health and wellbeing.

Local Produce from Rochedale Fruit Markets

Our local Rochedale Fruit Markets supply the best fruit and vegetables in the business. They provide fresh local produce, fruits, and vegetables to our service which support us in creating a nutritious menu that reflects seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Yoghurt from The Greek Yoghurt Company

Nutritionally, Greek yogurt has more protein, less lactose, and fewer carbohydrates than regular plain yogurt. The Greek Yoghurt company uses traditional straining methods to create thick, creamy natural Greek yoghurt.

Mabrouk and Sons

Being a service that supplies Halal food, we source our meat from a local butcher Mabrouk and Sons. As a 100% Australian, family-owned company, they have a great reputation within the community of supplying fresh quality Halal meat.

Supporting Our Quality Local Businesses

Kuraby ELC Nutrition - Rochedale Fruit Market

Rochedale Fruit Market

We love supporting local businesses and the best fruit and vegetable in the business is Rochedale Fruit Markets. They provide fresh local produce, fruits, and vegetables to our service which support us in creating a nutritious menu that reflects seasonal fruits and vegetables.

The Greek Yoghurt

The Greek Yoghurt Company

As a family-owned business, they support locally-sourced ingredients as much as possible. Based in Brisbane to cover the Metro, Sunshine Coast, and Gold Coast, they use carefully selected produce from all over Queensland and New South Wales to make their delicious range of Greek yogurts.

kuraby early learning

Butchers Cuts and Co